This lipstick is gorgeous. The design is gorgeous. The box is gorgeous... and I probably won't throw it away for a while. The stick itself is bright pink and shimmery and it looks like a gloss when applied to the wrist. It does not have a strong pigment like a "runway red or rouge" that you can imagine... It's a sparkly, bright, pink, glossy lip stick! High-Shine by Dior is ultra cool. Just whipping it out of my purse makes me feel cool, along with wearing a pair of sleek, oversized Cole Haans sunglasses. Yes, this lip stick is totally cute. Pair a bright lipstick with a pale face and you are "in". Haven't you seen the runway models with the pale faces and the bright lips? This is not a gloss or a stain, it is lip stick and it rocks.
Just wanted you to know :)
Hello! Yes, my name is Kristin and I run both prim. Magazine and Not so Prim and Proper blog.
this looks so awesome but is it worth the $25? i don't think my mom would EVER let me buy it. ahah. she doesnt let me pay for anything...
hello. i was in the process of making a style blog when i found yours. i was wondering if i could put i link to yours on my site
Sounds like a great lipstick. I will have to check it out!
Yes, it totally is... I've been wearing it everyday for a week!
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