Wednesday, June 4, 2008


So yesterday I came home from the mall, about to go out for the night. I decided to walk inside through the front door instead of the garage and there was a package on my front porch! I was totally excited when I saw the tape around the ordinary looking box. The tape had the Kira Plastinina logo (the name) all over it. What could it be, I thought... Well I rushed inside and ripped open the box. I received a postcard, handwritten from Kira, a Dylan's Candy Bar lollipop, and a K.P. tee!! I had been one of the first fifty-five girl to become VIPS of Kira Plastinina on her new U.S.A. site.
You are probably very confused. Kira Plastinina is a sixteen-year old ( AS OF TWO DAYS AGO! June 1st!) fashion designer who lives in Russia. A Russian sensation, actually.. the talk of the town!

Kira attends the Anglo-American School in Moscow, often doodling designs during class for her line. She would eventually like to study at the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London! Her father, Sergei Plastinin, is a wealthy Russian business man - the co-founder of Wimm-Bill-Dann (Russia’s largest dairy and juice producer) who pays for her new job and everything that comes along with it (ex. parties, celebrities, bodyguards, makeup artists...).

Kira's designs are cheery and almost doll-like, often changing with her mood: she has an edgier line since she'd been listening to Blink 182!

Her stores are equally as alluring and cute! Hot pink themes and chandeliers. She will open stores in L.A. and New York March 2009! Kira currently has 40 stores all over Russia and is about to become very popular here in the United States with her hot pink designs. She could be compared to H&M and Forever21, but not that Kira Plastinina is here...

Kira really admire Paris Hilton's... reputation? NO. Style! Her father paid Paris $2 million dollars to attend Kira's latest show in Moscow. Kira will be on a television show called Star Factory, much like American Idol but for designers and living in Los Angeles this summer!
I wore the black shirt to school today, spreading the news of Kira Plastinina's existence to all who asked what my shirt meant. I really admire her talent and ambition! I call myself ambitious and I am also working toward my career dreams too, but I don't have a father whose net worth is $600 million dollars! Check out Kira Plastinina at

Here are some pics of the Grand Opening of one of her chain stores:

CUTE! CUTE! CUTE! xoxo Johannah


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